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about our founder
Mina Bast


Mina Bast has been sweetly tending to hearts & wombs worldwide for the past 15 years

with a nourishing fusion of love, energy medicine, somatic healing, tantra & hypnotherapy.


Specializing in worthiness, intimacy, libido, fertility & well-being, she is known for her deeply compassionate and nurturing approach as well as the astounding & powerful transformations her clients experience in her care.


In a profoundly healing personal journey several years ago, Mina first encountered the energy of the Divine Mother and it reconnected her to love and healed the deepest most ancient primal aching in her soul.


The Divine Mother went from being a lovely concept or archetype, to a marrow deep, full bodied, undeniable loving & profound presence in her felt experience. 


It was when she finally felt fully held by The Mama that her true healing of her own inner mother and child blossomed.


She now brings this powerful presence into holding her clients as well, whether in-person or on the other side of the world.


She has trained extensively in consciousness medicine, tantra, somatic healing and hypnotherapy for over 25 years.


She founded The Luminous Womb in 2013 

to help restore love and innocence to not only this precious organ and energy center, but everyone that's come through one. 


contact her @


& TikTok:

@The Luminous Womb


Jane & Rose

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